Stofa Mail IMAP Settings

Rollins Duke   
Published: Jan 15, 2025 • Email Settings • 3 Minutes Reading

IMAP, SMTP, and POP3 settings must be understood in order to set up a Stofa Email account in any other email client. Stofa Mail IMAP Settings may be what you’re looking for.

You will find all the information about:

  • How to Configure IMAP for Stofa Mail.
  • The way Stofa Mail backs up its data.
  • Stofa Email Account App Password.

As a result, you may configure a Stofa email account in any other email client, such as Outlook, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, or mobile devices such as Android, iPhone, and so on. Additionally, create a backup of your Stofa Email account’s emails or migrate them to another email program and file format.

Note: In Denmark, Stofa Webmail is a well-liked email provider. Users love it because it allows them to scan their emails, sort undesirable or dangerous emails, and has the finest extra security filter feature.

Important Stofa Mail Email Settings

If you have any more questions or concerns, please contact us Contact us directly.

Stofa E-mail Settings Port Number
Incoming mail server for Stofa IMAP:
993 (require SSL)
143 (non-secure)
Incoming mail server for Stofa POP3:
995 (require SSL)
110 (non-secure) 
Outgoing mail server for Stofa SMTP:
587/25 (require SSL)
465 (non-secure) 

How to Create an App Password and Setup 2 FA in Stofa Webmail.

In your Stofa Webmail account, 2-factor authentication has to be disabled. If it is enabled, you may set up an app password and log in to the software using the same password.

  • Login to Stofa Webmail.
  • Go to Preferences.
  • Select Security.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Create an App Password

Visit the Official Guide Link “How to Create App Password in Webmail Account” for more information.

Need Simple Settings for Stofa Mail Account Backup?

Use our Email Backup Wizard if you need to easily back up your Stofa messages in a few simple steps and wish to convert all of your emails into any other email applications.

You may back up Stofa Mail emails to Outlook (PST, MSG), EML, EMLX, MBOX, PDF, HTML, and more formats with this professional tool. Emails from Stofa Webmail are also migrated to Gmail, G Suite,, Rediffmail, Yahoo, IBM Verse, IMAP, and other services.

Please use the “Download Now” button to obtain and install the program from:

download button

Watch this video showcasing the whole Stofa Email backup process.

The Last Words

You will learn all of the Stofa Mail backup processes in the aforementioned video tutorial. Additionally, you will receive complete information on IMAP settings and two-factor authentication in your Stofa Webmail account. The procedure is really straightforward and easy. The trial version is available for download on our website. The demo version is restricted to converting 25 emails per folder. Batch conversion is also supported.

In a nutshell, Stofa Mail Backup Wizard is an incredible tool for all users. It offers output that is completely accurate. It is also a virus-free solution. So, feel free to give it a go.

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