SQL Window Function Explained Guide

  Rollins Duke
Rollins Duke   
Published: November 30th, 2024 • 9 Min Read

SQL Window Function
While working on the SQL Server database, users majorly face challenges while performing any type of calculations in the table rows. Here we have the SQL window function explained to make it easier for the users to understand and make calculations conveniently. 

Let’s begin by understanding what the SQL window function is and how it is beneficial for the users.

What is SQL Server Window Function? 

The SQL Window Function is an important tool in SQL databases for performing advanced calculations in the SQL table rows. Therefore, the execution of these functions are majorly on a specific set of rows or ‘window’ of rows in the SQL table. In Addition, this function helps the users to keep better records and analytics of the data within the table data. So, with the help of window functions, a user can perform multiple operations like sum, average, minimum, maximum, etc. Furthermore, there are many other benefits of using the window functions in SQL. Let’s take a look at the SQL window function explained features and benefits. 

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Features of SQL Window Function

Works on a ‘WINDOW’ of Table Data: The Window Function in SQL majorly works with a specific set of rows associated with the current row in the table.  

Allows to Perform Advanced Calculations: These functions help the user to carry out advanced functions in the SQL Database table. Additionally, it offers some advanced functions for the users to ease their calculations. These functions are as follows:

  • Ranking Function
  • Aggregate Function
  • Stats Analysis
  • Retrieval of Values

Offers Wide Range of Functions: The tool is also beneficial as it offers a wider range of functions for the users. These functions are as follows:


Better SQL Query Performance: By offering numerous benefits and function range, it makes it easier for the users to perform complex calculations with ease.  

Helps to Simplify the Analytics’ Complexities: In case the users wish to calculate averages of large datasets, or perform ranking operation, the SQL Server Window Functions makes it easier to carry out the processes. 

As we now know how window functions are helpful, let’s take a look at the SQL window function explained implementation.

How to Implement Window Functions?

For the implementation of the window functions in the SQL database, there are a few steps a user has to follow. We will understand these steps and the parameters one by one. 

Now, the first query we will understand about is the Over Clause in SQL Server.

The OVER() Clause

The OVER() clause in SQL Server is used to set the specific window of rows on which the functions are to be executed. So, it helps to configure which functions will be performed over the window of rows. In the Over()  clause, there are some commands that are required to be followed along with the Over clause. The commands are as follows:

  • Partitioning Clause (PARTITION  BY): This clause is used for dividing the complete dataset into groups. The Partition clause helps the users to divide the dataset by implementing the PARTITION BY clause separately with each partition. 
  • Order Clause (ORDER BY): The ORDERBY clause is implemented to specify the order of the rows of the dataset in the partition. Therefor, in case of rankings and other similar functions, ordering is a necessary step.  
  • Framing Clause (RANGE): The framing helps to narrow down the rows used in the operations to the current row. 

The Implementation

The execution of the SQL Server window function divides into four stages. So, the implementation of the four stages goes one by one to execute the function more efficiently on the SQL dataset.  Here, the stages of the SQL window function explained here.

  • Data Fetching: The first stage of the function implementation involves the fetching and retrieval of the data. The user can retrieve data by using the FROM and the WHERE clause in the dataset. 
  • Dataset Partitioning: Next, the partitioning of the dataset is done. So, with the help of the PARTITION BY clause, users can divide the dataset rows into different groups and partitions. 
  • Dataset Ordering: The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the entire dataset by specific categories or whichever factor the user wishes to sort the data by. 
  • Window Function Implementation: The final stage involves the execution of the Window function on the dataset as required by the users. 

This is the theoretical explanation of the execution of SQL window function. Let’s now move on to the SQL Queries now to understand the practical implementation of the window functions in SQL Server. 

Also Read: How to Fix MS SQL Server Error 15105 Professionally.


The syntax for window function in SQL server is:

SELECT column1, 
OVER([PARTITION BY column1] [ORDER BY column3]) AS newcolumn
FROM table_name;

This syntax explains how a user can choose a column, and then on the basis of it, partition other columns and then apply the window function on the desired column. Additionally, the users can sort the rows in ascending or descending order as per their requirements. Also, after the function implementation, a new column will add in the table as the resultant column. 

Here is the explanation of clauses in the syntax :

  • Window Function: The function a user wishes to implement.
  • Column1: the column that will be selected.
  • Column2: the column on which the window function will be applied.
  • Column3: the column on which the basis of the partition has been done.
  • newcolumn: the resultant column that will be displayed after the function execution
  • table_name: name of the table in which the whole process is being carried out. 

Now taking other examples for implementing the different window functions in SQL Server. 

Starting with the first type, the aggregate functions.

#1 Aggregate Window Function

The aggregate window function in SQL Server helps for performing operations like sum, average and other similar functions. As well as let’s take a look at the function implementation. 

The syntax for the average window function is:

SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3,
AVG(Column2)OVER(PARTITION BY Column1) AS AVG_Column2
From Tablename

[here you can add the table name and the column names as per your preference and the table data you are using]

The aggregate window function in SQL helps the users to perform operations like average, sum total, minimum value, maximum value, etc. Therefore, after executing the window function in the table, the users will get a resultant column in the original table. Additionally, this syntax was only for the AVG function in a specific table of the dataset. Let’s now proceed with other SQL window function explained operations.

#2 SUM() Function

Then, for using the SUM window function in the SQL Server, a user has to follow the given syntax. 

SUM(Column_name3) OVER(PARTITION BY Column_name1) AS total_sum
FROM table_name;

#3 MIN() Function

Also, to find the minimum value in a table row, this window function is useful.

MIN(Column_name1) OVER(PARTITION BY Column_name2) AS min_value
FROM table_name;

#4 MAX() Function

Similarly, with the help of this function, users can find the maximum value of a window of rows, or partition of rows in a dataset.

MAX(Column_name2) OVER(PARTITION BY Column_name4) AS max_value
FROM table_name;

#5 Rank() Window Function

This function is provides ranking of the rows in the table. The syntax for using the Rank() function is as follows:

RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY Column1 ORDER BY Column2) AS Column5,
FROM table_name;

Here the terms used are:

RANK() – The rank here signifies the rank for all the rows present in every partition of the table. 

ROW_NUMBER() – The ROW_NUMBER() in the syntax gives a unique number to the rows. 

DENSE_RANK() – The DENSE_RANK() here signifies the row number of each row in a specific partition of the dataset.

[here change the table name, column names, and other required data as per your requirements]

So, with the help of these commands, a user can rank the specified rows in the table, and find the first and the last value of the table, etc.  


With the help of this article we have understood the concepts of window function. With the SQL window function explained, we have also discussed how these functions are implemented and how they work. Additionally, we have provided the syntax for the ease of users to understand and carry out the process.