How to Convert PDF to TIFF Format on Windows?

  Rollins Duke
Rollins Duke   
Published: August 3rd, 2024 • 7 Min Read

Today in this digital column we will delve deep to resolve the search for how to convert PDF to TIFF format. If you are also searching for the same query. Then, please read the complete blog post to get answers to all your questions. Today we will discover how to change PDF to TIFF file using Microsoft Paint, LibreOffice Draw, and Expert utility.

Before Moving Forward to the actual discussion, knowing PDF and TIFF file formats is essential.

What Are TIFF and PDF File Formats?

Name PDF (Portable Document Format) TIFF (Tag Image File Format)
Extension .pdf .tif or .tiff
Suitability Appropriate for sharing and printing of documents file Suitable to store and print graphics, photographs, templates, etc.
Latest Version PDF 2.0 TIFF 6.0
Description PDF format is commonly used as a format for data exchange, either complete pages that need to be printed or advertisements that are required to be included in the publication. The file format is common in soft proofing and reviewing the content because there are applications that allow users to make notes on PDF files. TIFF is a computer file format to store raster graphics and is popular among graphic artists. TIFF file is limited to the use of raster data for the representation of all the objects. It is widely supported by image-manipulation applications, publishing, and page layout applications, and by scanning, faxing, word processing, optical character recognition, and many other applications.


How to Convert PDF to TIFF Format for Free?

Navigating through to convert PDF to TIFF for free in Windows, the best gratis methodology available is using Microsoft Paint Application & LibreOffice Draw free open-source software. However, while using the Paint application way we need to use a screenshot capture tool like a snipping tool. Meanwhile, in LibreOffice Draw Technique we don’t need to use such a tool. Now, let us learn the detailed step-by-step guide for each technique.

Change PDF to TIFF File Using Microsoft Paint

  1. First, open PDF in browser and adjust the page-to-screen ratio using Ctrl +, –.
  2. Next, tap the Windows key + Shift + C to open the Snipping tool on your PC.
  3. After that, left-click and select the PDF page using a rectangular box.
  4. Now, search for Microsoft Paint using the Windows Search bar and tap open.
  5. Then, press Ctrl + v to paste the screenshot on your Paint Application.
  6. Next, tap on the File option > Save As > Other format option.
  7. Then, select “Save as type: ” option as “TIFF (*.tif;*.tiff) ” and tap Save.
  8. Finally, repeat the step for each PDF page to convert multipage PDF to TIFF.

How to Convert PDF to TIFF Format with LibreOffice Draw

  1. At the start, open LibreOffice suite on your local desktop.
  2. Next, click on the File tab and choose Open to select PDF file.
  3. Then, right-click on the PDF page and choose Save button.
  4. After that, select Save as type: as Tagged Image File Format(*.tif).
  5. Enter the “File Name:” and click on the “Save” button to change PDF to TIFF.
  6. Finally, repeat the above-mentioned steps for each PDF page.
Note: – This software is an open-source software that is freely provided by the community of developers. So, it is essential to install the LibreOffice suite before proceeding with these steps.

Limitations to Change PDF to TIFF Format using Free Ways

  • This approach is not compatible with enterprise users. Since this approach is very time-consuming and very labor-intensive.
  • Using LibreOffice Draw to change PDF to TIFF format is not suitable. Since it will only do PDF to TIFF conversion for the embedded image part only
  • LibreOffice Draw Approach does not convert any TEXT part from a PDF page to TIFF.
  • These techniques are not appropriate to bulk convert PDF to TIFF format. You need to repeat the same set of steps for each file.
  • Furthermore, using these techniques you cannot convert PDF to TIFF high quality.
Read Similar: – How to Convert PDF to XPS?

Batch Change PDF to TIFF Format Using Expert Tool

Using the all-in-one PDF converter software you can bulk convert PDF to TIFF image. This utility is not limited to change PDF to TIFF file it can change PDF to 18+ file formats. Moreover, one distinguishing functionality of this tool is that it can work in an offline environment. To become handier with working of the utility.

Download Now Purchase Now

How to Convert PDF to TIFF Format Automatically?

  1. First, download and launch the suggested utility on your the tool to solve how to convert PDF to TIFF
  2. Next, choose the Select Files or Select Folder option to add PDF files.add PDF files
  3. Then, manually tick the PDF file needed for PDF to TIFF conversion.choose PDF file for PDF to TIFF Conversion
  4. After that, select the Saving option as TIFF from the drop-down menu.choose TIFF as saving option
  5. Now, choose the output folder storage location using the browse sign button.choose folder location
  6. Finally, tap on the Next button and wait for the conversion process to complete.process of how to convert PDF to TIFF complete

Benefits of Pro Method Over Free Ways

  • This utility can batch convert PDF to TIFF single file in a few simple steps.
  • Using this technique to convert multipage PDF to TIFF is best supported by this PDF to TIFF converter
  • This best PDF to TIFF converter software does not require any IT training due to its self-explaining and simplistic UI/UX
  • One uniqueness of this utility is that it can transform PDF to TIFF while maintaining its quality.

Frequently Raised Questions

Q1) How do I convert a PDF to high-quality image?

You use the expert-recommended utility discussed above in the blog to change PDF to TIFF high-quality image

Q2) How to get high-resolution images from PDF?

To get a high-resolution image from PDF you need to convert PDF to some Image file extension using the appropriate method. To do so you can opt for the above recommended best PDF to TIFF Converter.

Q3) Why is TIFF better than PDF?

TIFF is better than PDF for graphics and scanning of documents. Since this file format is designed to overcome the problem of file scanning. Secondly, the TIFF file extension has high quality so it is the best choice for photographers also.

Q4) How do I convert a PDF to a TIFF format?

You choose above explained method or you can try Microsoft Word to overcome the problem of how to convert PDF to TIFF format. To do this you simply need to take a screenshot of the PDF page and paste it into the Word document. After that, you can directly change PDF to TIFF file format.


To summarize the above digital column, we have discussed how to convert PDF to TIFF format using gratis and pro technique. Moreover, we have gained knowledge about PDF and TIFF file extensions. Thereafter, we have grasped the free solutions to change PDF to TIFF file using Paint and LibreOffice applications along with a detailed guide. However, the gratis technique has its disadvantages. So, to overcome these limitations we have learned about the expert utility and its working manual. Finally, we have covered the advantages of expert PDF to TIFF converter.